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Heating managed by Control Casa home automation

Control Casa, home automation and heating system, home automation, electrosmog, home automation Varese

In recent years, home automation technology has revolutionized the management of domestic systems, offering intelligent solutions to improve energy efficiency. Control Casa, an advanced home automation system, stands out for its ability to optimize the heating system, allowing users to save energy and reduce expenses on the gas bill. As the […]

Control Casa keyless home automation system

home automation system, Control Casa, smart home, intelligent home, keyless home automation system

Who has never experienced the hassle of losing their home or office keys? It is an experience that can cause stress and worry. Fortunately, the Control Casa home automation system offers an innovative and safe solution to free you from dependence on traditional keys. Keyless home automation system: your Control Casa virtual key allows you to forget […]

Control Casa between Past and Future: Sponsor of 'Varese Retrocomputing 2023'

Control-Casa-home-automation-system-Varese-home automation-Varese-Varese-retrocompunting-2023-entrance

On 17 September 2023, in the splendid setting of Villa Truffini in Tradate (VA), a unique event of its kind took place, the 'Varese Retrocomputing 2023' exhibition. One of the aims of this exhibition was to bring back to life the fascination of information technologies of the past. This extraordinary event attracted retrocomputing enthusiasts from all over the […]

Control Casa spare parts make your home automation system eternal

Control Casa, home automation, home automation system, home automation Varese, technical assistance for home automation system, spare parts

Have you never installed a home automation system because you fear not finding spare parts after years? This doesn't happen with the Control Casa home automation system. In the age of home automation, home automation systems are becoming increasingly common in homes around the world. Among the leading brands in this sector, Control Casa stands out for […]

Domotica in un B&B in ristrutturazione, fase finale

Control Casa in un B&B in ristrutturazione, domotica in un B&B

La domotica in un B&B in ristrutturazione sta per giungere alla realizzazione finale. In questa fase dell’installazione, si apre un mondo di opportunità per il tuo B&B. Vediamo come l’impianto domotico Control Casa può portare il tuo B&B a un nuovo livello di comfort, sicurezza ed efficienza. Sicurezza avanzata con la domotica in un B&B […]

Domotica in un B&B in ristrutturazione, fase 2

Control Casa, domotica, impianto domotico, domotica in un B&B, B&B Malpensa, Control Casa in un B&B in ristrutturazione

Come abbiamo avuto modo di vedere nel precedente articolo, l’installazione della domotica in un B&B in ristrutturazione può apportare notevoli miglioramenti in termini di comfort, sicurezza ed efficienza energetica. In questa fase, i tecnici specializzati di Control Casa collaborano con gli elettricisti per installare le cassette di derivazione, le canalizzazioni e i dispositivi necessari. Collaborazione […]

Domotica Control Casa in un B&B in ristrutturazione

Control Casa, domotica Control Casa in un B&B in ristrutturazione

Se stai pensando di installare la domotica Control Casa in un B&B in fase di ristrutturazione, ci sono alcune fasi preliminari che devono essere eseguite per garantire un’installazione corretta e funzionale. In questo articolo, esploreremo le prime fasi del lavoro per l’installazione della domotica Control Casa, fornendo utili consigli e suggerimenti. La prima fase del […]

The differences between home automation and smart home. Let's clarify

home automation or smart home, home automation panel, Control Casa home automation system

Do you know what the differences are between home automation and smart home? No? Then this is just the article for you! There is no doubt that words such as 'home automation', 'smart home' and 'intelligent home' are increasingly making their way into everyday vocabulary. But who knows the differences between the various terms and, above all, between […]

All the information to get home automation and 110% Ecobonus incentives

Control Casa home automation system, home automation and 110% Ecobonus incentives, happy family sitting on the sofa

Can home automation and 110% Ecobonus incentives travel on the same floor? Why not take advantage of the opportunities given to us? Until yesterday it was possible to install multimedia devices for the automatic or remote control and management of heating or cooling systems with a 65% deduction. It was also possible to install the same […]

How the home automation system and the coronavirus emergency interact.

Control Casa, Varese home automation system, smart home, intelligent home

How can Control Casa home automation system and the coronavirus emergency interact? The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic changed the world structure and balance in the space of a handful of weeks. At the beginning it seemed like a distant thing that would never arrive. Then it crept into our daily lives, first slowly, then violently and brought […]