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All the information to get home automation and 110% Ecobonus incentives

Can home automation and 110% Ecobonus incentives travel on the same floor? Why not take advantage of the opportunities given to us?

Until yesterday it was possible to install multimedia devices for the automatic or remote control and management of heating or cooling systems with a 65% deduction.

Control Casa, home automation and 110% Ecobonus incentives, children with tablets, home automation system

It was also possible to install the same devices for the production of domestic hot water or for the management of the air conditioning of the residential units.

Normally all these tools and their implementation were deductible at 65%.

Control Casa home automation system, home automation and 110% Ecobonus incentives, happy family

With the 110% Ecobonus you can finally have the system you've always dreamed of!

Requirements to be respected

There are some requirements to be met to take full advantage of this initiative.

First of all, the works must be carried out on an existing building. This means that it must already be present in the land register or with the land registration request being approved.

These same buildings must already be equipped with a heating system.

Once it has been established that the building complies with these requirements, you must ensure that the devices you want to install also have the necessary characteristics to use the 110% Ecobonus.

Control Casa home automation system, installation technician for home automation systems Varese

It is necessary that these devices can be controlled remotely. You can set an on and off time or even a weekly schedule.

The devices must periodically show the energy consumption of the systems and the operating conditions, including the regulation temperature of the systems themselves.

Consumption can also be detected using different measurement systems integrated into the system as long as they are perfectly functioning.

When the deduction goes from 65% to 110%

The deduction goes from 65% to 110% if the home automation devices are installed in conjunction with energy requalification interventions. This type of intervention concerns the insulation of at least 25% of the building's walls (with a maximum spending ceiling of 60,000 euros) or even the installation of heating systems with condensing boiler or heat pump (with a maximum spending ceiling of expense of 30,000 euros).

In any case, passing two energy classes, to be certified with APE certification, is essential to consider each intervention valid.

Control Casa home automation system, home automation and 110% Ecobonus incentives, happy family sitting on the sofa

Eligible expenses

Among the eligible expenses we also find the supply and installation of all electrical, electronic and mechanical equipment. Also included are the electrical and building works that are necessary for the installation and commissioning of all the components necessary for the Control Casa home automation system to function perfectly.

The related professional services regarding the presentation of the necessary technical documentation, works management and everything essential for the execution of the works and their correct execution are still part of the eligible expenses.

For further details, please refer to the website ofRevenue Agency.

Take the opportunity of the 110% Ecobonus incentives and install real Control Casa home automation!

Home automation and 110% Ecobonus incentives, the perfect combination to create the home of your dreams!

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